Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Three cloth heads, before bodies.

I am deeply satisfied with these heads.  I have worked for over a year on figuring out a way to make heads of cloth layers and paste by draping fabric instead of making a plaster mold.  When I made Eydth's heads, I draped and created cloth layers for the face half of the head - the head backs were not made of cloth layers.  These three doll heads have both back and front in cloth and paste layers. They are hollow.  They are so light weight!  They are also very sturdy.  I have no objection to sculpting a fresh head from paper clay.  In fact, that is one of my next projects, after I finish these dolls.  However, to create cloth and paste layered heads in a process that suits me (without using plaster) has been a personal goal of mine.  Goal reached!

I made the large cloth head from Edyth's original sculpey mold.  Rebecca is astonished at the likeness.

Comparing Frederick's profile with his new sister's.  They definitely share DNA.


  1. I find your post interesting. I have done the drape with rigid wrap. It is how I have done some of my dolls . I shared the process on my clas
    sic cloth doll page.https://classicclothdolls.blogspot.com/2015/

    1. Very nice! I think that I saw your process pictures in the past. I used two pieces of silk stockinette, with artists paste sandwiched in between them. I put cling wrap over Edyth's doll mold before draping my silk/paste sandwich. When that dries, I add inner layers of cotton batting, fabric, artist paste - - to stiffen it up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Congrats on reaching your goal! They look very nice, even before paint. Looking forward to seeing them finished! :o) Pardon the deletion. I'm the typo queen! LOL!
